Jean-Claude Télémaque, Maripier Morin & Angelo Rubino
RUBINO is Seeds of Hope is a project whose mission is to raise funds to fight addiction. Whether it is alcohol, gambling, drugs, sex, food or others, addiction is a taboo subject that we hear little about. The pandemic has certainly exacerbated the issues related to these addictions and it seemed more important than ever to try to make a difference and open up the conversation on the subject. Whether it's a friend or family member, we all know someone who suffers from addiction. This small gesture can make a concrete difference in the life of someone and their loved ones. 100% of profits will be donated to 3 direct aid organizations each year. The chosen organizations are listed at the bottom of the page.
More specifically, an amount of $15.25 per bag will be given to the organizations that have been chosen. All funds raised will be used to help people who cannot afford the services offered by these centers. Additionally, all administrative, handling, marketing, etc. expenses are incurred. related to the project are assumed by Rubino and are not deducted from sales revenue. Finally, Café Brossard generously provides the bags of coffee on sale at their cost price.
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Maripier Morin has been sober for almost 18 months now. During an anonymous meeting, she met Angelo Rubino. After a long discussion where they shared their experiences related to addiction and recovery, they had the idea of ​​joining forces. Their objective is to destigmatize addiction in Quebec and to raise funds for organizations that help people who suffer from it.
For Maripier, the Grains of Hope project is a glimpse of light. She wants to open the discussion and create a ripple effect that could encourage many people to take charge of their addiction problem. Its goal is not to demonize addiction, but rather to send the message that the problem is omnipresent and that there are solutions. She also wants to share her experience to show that her problem is not unique and that it's okay to ask for help. A person who suffers often finds himself in isolation and this only makes the situation worse for him.
With the Grains d'espoir project, Maripier wants to make a real difference for people who are suffering. Watch his testimonial to learn more about his journey, his vision and his goals.
Angelo Rubino has now been sober for 3 and a half years. After meeting Maripier in an anonymous meeting, they decided to collaborate together for a good cause, addiction. The idea for the café project came by chance during the recording of Angelo's podcast with Anne-Sophie Brossard, of Café Brossard.
Anne-Sophie is a high school friend of Angelo's and so the association seemed ideal. This is where the steps continued and the collaboration between Maripier and Angelo moved to another stage.
For Angelo, recovery is an important part of his life that allowed him to reconnect with values ​​that were important to him. Now he enjoys getting involved with others to assist them in their own recovery process. For him, helping others is an integral part of his personal recovery process.
The Seeds of Hope project is a natural continuation of his recovery process and he is very proud to have the opportunity to help more people through this project.
Grains of hope E16 - “I will never be cured” with Jean-Marie Lapointe
In the 16th episode of the Grains of Hope series, Maripier, Angelo and Jean-Claude receive Jean-Marie Lapointe, actor, host, author, filmmaker and sportsman, but also the son of Jean Lapointe, founder of La Maison Jean Lapointe. Jean-Marie Lapointe shares his life journey and his relationship with his parents without filter. He talks about his addiction issues and his vision of recovery.

Good listening!
Maripier Morin, Angelo Rubino and Jean-Claude Télémaque, an addiction worker who has been in recovery for over 30 years, sat down to discuss the ‘Grains d’espoir’ project, addiction and recovery. Listen to this hour-long conversation to learn more about this taboo topic.
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If you or a loved one is suffering from addiction, solutions exist. We have identified a series of resources that can help you. Whether it is therapy houses, anonymous meetings, books, hotlines, podcasts or more, any means are good to start a process of recovery or to learn more about the subject. If you have any suggestions to add to this list, you can contact and share with us.
For this first edition of the Grains of Hope project, here are the 3 organizations that were selected. All profits will be distributed equally between these 3 therapy centers. The amounts donated to these organizations will be displayed on this page periodically.
Péladeau have a social mission to help men and women who are struggling with alcohol, drug or medication problems to become sober, to find meaning in their lives, to promote their autonomy. and their self-esteem and, consequently, to develop a quality of life necessary to maintain this sobriety.

PAVILION DU NOUVEAU POINT DE VUE VUE - NORTH SHOREA non-profit organization founded in 1978, the establishment's mission is to help people with alcoholics and/or drug addictions to recover, to live without addiction to psychotropic drugs including drug dependence and to undertake reintegration into their family, social and professional environment, while respecting their dignity. The Pavillons du Nouveau Point de Vue also offer assistance to families and employers.

LE RUCHER - QUÉBEC Since its foundation in 1990, the Center Le Rucher, recognized as a community organization, has welcomed more than five thousand people with a problem of addiction to illicit substances, alcohol and drugs, which may present with concomitant drug addiction. and mental health
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